3 Biggest HVAC Challenges Los Angeles Homeowners Face


Throughout the United States, homeowners can face a myriad of issues related to their HVAC systems, some of which can vary based on location. In Los Angeles, homeowners are used to the drier climate, where temperatures typically range from hot to scorching, with significant drops in heat when the sun goes down. The local climate is characterized by rainy winters and dry summers. These weather extremes can overtax a home’s heating and cooling system over years, leading to major repairs and even replacement. Homeowners needing heating and cooling Van Nuys require efficient systems to help combat their HVAC issues. 

Don’t get caught off guard! Here are three of the biggest problems your LA HVAC might face, and what you can to prevent them. 

Top HVAC Challenges Homeowners Face in Los Angeles

Insufficient Airflow

If you’re experiencing difficulties in maintaining a comfortable temperature in the home, the problem might be a result of insufficient airflow. To confirm if insufficient airflow is responsible for the discomfort, you should inspect the vents to check if the air is flowing from the register. If you notice that air IS flowing from the vents, but weakly, you could have clogged vents or ducts due to debris or other build up. 

Air filters are built to collect and withhold dust particles from your HVAC system. Once the air filter becomes overloaded, the amount of air flowing through the filter will be reduced. Clogged filters can be prevented by regular inspection of the air filter, cleaning, and replacement of dirty air filters. Experts advise that air filters should be changed at least once every month.

Suppose the weak airflow isn’t caused by clogged air filters; the insufficient airflow could originate from the ducts of your HVAC system. It could be clogged ducts or leaking ducts that are responsible for a low supply of air in the home. Duct problems cannot be easily fixed with untrained hands; hence it is best to hire an expert HVAC technician to resolve the problem.

HVAC Unit Refuses To Turn On

Another air-conditioning problem common in Los Angeles homes occurs when the air conditioning unit refuses to turn on. This problem could be due to several underlying issues. Firstly, the thermostat of the air conditioning unit may be faulty. If the thermostat has no clear damage and is not hard wired, try changing the batteries. The electronics that control the compressor could also be damaged or faulty. When it comes to electrical issues with your air conditioner, it is always a better idea to call in the pros. 

HVAC System Fails To Cool The Property

Failure of HVAC systems to cool the home is one of the common problems that homeowners experience in Los Angeles. For this HVAC issue, though the air conditioning may be running at high speed, it may not cool the air in the home. This is often caused by low refrigerant. Refrigerant is a substance that pulls the heat from the air as it moves along the HVAC unit. If an air conditioning system has low refrigerant, the cooling system won’t have the capacity to function well; it’ll only recycle the warm air in the HVAC system.

Low refrigerant in HVAC systems doesn’t occur on its own; it’s often caused by a leak in the HVAC system. However, it’s best to run a diagnostic on the system to check the point of leakage and seal the leakage before refilling the refrigerant.

Frequently Asked Questions About HVAC System And How You Can Solve Them

Here are some commonly asked questions about HVAC systems:

Why Is The Temperature In My Home Uneven?

No matter the style of your home in Los Angeles, they’re still prone to uneven temperature. The uneven temperature is caused by several reasons, such as dirty filters, leaking ducts, inadequately sized HVAC units, and blocked registers. A comprehensive HVAC system analysis will show the precise cause of the uneven temperature. Once the root cause is detected, your HVAC technician will proffer the most suitable solution to the problem. Some of the common solutions to uneven temperature include; wall vent air deflectors, air vent covers, and air vent fans.

How Can I Detect AC Refrigerant Leaks?

A refrigerant leak is a common problem in HVAC systems. Here are some common ways of detecting refrigerant leaks;

  • UV light test

The refrigerant in the HVAC system contains some amount of oil lubricant. When there’s a leakage, the oil lubricant will flow out and radiate UV light. The UV light test can be done by shining a UV light on the area of the leakage. A fluorescent mark will appear to indicate the presence of UV radiation.

  • Fluorescent Dye Test

The fluorescent dye test requires the use of a fluorescent dye UV detection system. The test is done by injecting a specified amount of dye into the refrigerant and switching on the HVAC system. With the help of specialized goggles, view the HVAC system with fluorescent light to spot the leakage point.

  • Pressure Test

The pressure test is best performed by a professional HVAC technician. To perform this test, the HVAC system will be pressurized and monitored for a reduction in pressure. When the pressure in the system increases, it indicates that there’s a leak in the HVAC system. The pressure test usually takes several hours. 

What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need?

Before you book the installation of a new AC unit in Los Angeles, you should consider the size and the power. You might assume that larger ac conditional means more effective cooling, but according to The United States Department of Energy, this theory is not always right. Experts advise that homeowners should choose the size of the AC unit that is proportional to the area that will be cooled.

Where’s My Air Filter Located

In the older version of HVAC systems, the air filter is usually located inside the furnace close to the blower motor. Some HVAC systems have a central filter grille located in the ceiling or walls; when you open the grille, you’ll see the air filter.  In other types of HVAC systems, the air filters are directional, meaning that when you follow the arrow symbol on the HVAC system, it’ll point you towards the air filter. In case you’ve noticed a problem with your HVAC system, and you need help examining it or learning more about it, you can talk to our experts here https://highwayacservices.com/.

Highway HVAC Services & Remodeling Group, 14400 Friar St, unit #208 Van Nuys California 91401, 818-306-7753

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